Wednesday, December 10, 2008

One more to go... and a concert

I'm sitting here studying trigonometric functions for my very last final of Fall 2008 semester. I'm glad it's almost over. I have a few grades posted so far. Yay me!

English Literature: A
Family Finance: A
Statistics (I was worried): A
First Aid (unless I bombed the final): A*
Trigonometry (again, unless I bomb this final): A*

*not sure on this grade yet.

I went to Byron and Julia's Christmas recital tonight. They both looked awesome and sounded really good. They've only been playing the trombone and clarinet for a couple months. I'm really, really proud of them. I can't wait to post the pics/vids. After the first song, Kat yelled out to the stage, "That was awesome Julia! You should blow harder!" The ladies in front of me about died laughing.

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