Saturday, December 13, 2008

Jazzing it up

So, Chad won tickets to tonight's Jazz game. We took Thomas and a friend of his. It was awesome! We lost, but still had a blast. All in all it ended up costing us about $20.00. We were chosen to run a relay race during the first break. If we won, we would get a $500.00 water heater, if not, a consolation prize. I got out on the floor and rode my little tricycle, Chad pushed Thomas in a wheel barrel, and Micah was supposed to dribble the basketball and shoot a layup. Those floors are really slick. I fell behind quick, and Chad almost dumped Thomas, it was hilarious. The other team couldn't make the shot, so Micah went charging down the court. He was about 3 steps away and the guy made the basket. We did get a really nice thermostat though. Totally had a great time. We are the perfect family to make total fools of ourselves in front of 19911 people.

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