Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Santa stopped by on Monday night...

Yes, he's a busy man, but we ended up getting him to stop by our place. He said he was in the neighborhood visiting an "aunt". Here are some pictures:

Kat hamming it up...


Once she realized who was at the door... oh the excitment!

A big hug for Santa!


Chillin' with her Dora DS game and her big brother's Nintendo DS...

The kids got a big present too... Santa was concerned that they wouldn't have time to play with it because they leave on Christmas morning for a week, so he dropped it off early. What a nice man!


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Jazzing it up

So, Chad won tickets to tonight's Jazz game. We took Thomas and a friend of his. It was awesome! We lost, but still had a blast. All in all it ended up costing us about $20.00. We were chosen to run a relay race during the first break. If we won, we would get a $500.00 water heater, if not, a consolation prize. I got out on the floor and rode my little tricycle, Chad pushed Thomas in a wheel barrel, and Micah was supposed to dribble the basketball and shoot a layup. Those floors are really slick. I fell behind quick, and Chad almost dumped Thomas, it was hilarious. The other team couldn't make the shot, so Micah went charging down the court. He was about 3 steps away and the guy made the basket. We did get a really nice thermostat though. Totally had a great time. We are the perfect family to make total fools of ourselves in front of 19911 people.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

We got our tree up last night and took our traditional Christmas picture. I'll be printing them up at the Wal-mart a bit later today. Kat's got extremely pink cheeks. I'm guessing she snuck a granola bar when she was playing at the neighbors.

Byron, Kat, Thomas and Julia

me and Kat

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

One more to go... and a concert

I'm sitting here studying trigonometric functions for my very last final of Fall 2008 semester. I'm glad it's almost over. I have a few grades posted so far. Yay me!

English Literature: A
Family Finance: A
Statistics (I was worried): A
First Aid (unless I bombed the final): A*
Trigonometry (again, unless I bomb this final): A*

*not sure on this grade yet.

I went to Byron and Julia's Christmas recital tonight. They both looked awesome and sounded really good. They've only been playing the trombone and clarinet for a couple months. I'm really, really proud of them. I can't wait to post the pics/vids. After the first song, Kat yelled out to the stage, "That was awesome Julia! You should blow harder!" The ladies in front of me about died laughing.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008 week

I finally finished Family Finance and English Lit, my 2 online classes. Next week are my finals in First Aid, Stats and Trigonometry... then, I'm free. I'm exhausted, and stressed! I took a couple days off next week to prep, but I know I'll be ready. Wish me luck!