Thursday, August 28, 2008

Time is blowing by!

I can't believe it's almost SEPTEMBER!! Where did this year go?! Kat is four now. She's playing soccer, it's about the cutest thing ever!

The first day of school has come and gone... We had our traditional french toast breakfast. YUM!!!!

Kat had her first experience at Lagoon. She is an adrenaline junkie! She even went on some big rides. Here she is on the Tidal Wave:

All in all, it was a great summer. Fall semester at Utah State started Monday, so life is about to get rough again. It's fun so far though.

Well, we're off to rendezvous, in Fort Bridger Wy. It's another tradition. I'll post pics later.

Monday, August 11, 2008

My old-fashioned kids...

The school did these... Love them!! I'll preface this with they had no clothes for Thomas... He's 5'8" and 190 lbs. I didn't realize this in advance of course, but he'd picked out a shirt that worked and wore his jeans. Great foresight!! Oh, and I wish Byron's eyes weren't bugging out in the last shot.

And the finals grades are...

Music A
Math 1050 A
Humanities A
Parenting A
Physics A- (doh!)

Whatcha gonna do? Makes my overall GPA 3.95. Not too bad for a working mom of 4 doing school full time. I'm looking forward to the next semester. Each one gets me closer and closer to my goal of teaching.

We got back last night at 9pm from our 1300 mile Harley trip. I'm a bit beaten up and sunburnt, but it was awesome. I'll post pics of the 3 day affair later, I'm still really tired.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

And the grades come rolling in...

It's been a crazy semester, that's for sure. Starting a new job was an unexpected turn. Grades are starting to roll in:

Music A
Math 1050 A
Humanities A
Parenting (should be an A)
Physics (should be an A)

Next Semester is pretty full too. On the schedule:

First Aide
Math 1060
Family Finance
Stats 1040
English Literature

I'm still working full time too. This should be my last tough semester, the rest will be 3 classes each. Not too bad. I'm hoping to enter the eled program next summer. I should have my minor completed and be ready to submerge myself into the practicums.

So, for the end of the semester Chad and I are getting on the Harley and going down to Southern Utah for some sight seeing. It should be a lot of fun. I'll post pictures when we get back.