Sunday, May 25, 2008

An exhausting week.

My first day as Kat's pre-school teacher was Monday. What an exhausting week. Kat and her classmates are incredibly energetic. I ended up losing another 2lbs. It was a lot of fun though. I have determined life will be a lot easier if I have the week's lessons all planned out.

School is going okay. My music class is a bit overwhelming, but it's over next Thursday. Right now I'm trying to upload a video of a final teaching assignment. It's proving to be problematic. I'm reading a book called The Snow Leopard for Humanities, it's interesting. It's all Zennish and stuff. Math is easy, as usual and my child development and physics classes are so far, so good. I can't wait for music to be over. This should have been a fun class, but the teacher has overloaded us so far that we can all barely breathe.

Julia had her birthday last week. There were a bunch of pre-teen girls sleeping over. ACK! They were good kids though.

Oh... and as of 5/23 I'm down 44.4 lbs. GO ME!!!

Well, I'm off to do more homework and will update again soon.

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