Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Birthday MOM!!

I'm still working, but I wanted to wish my mom a super happy birthday. I wish we were there!! We would have been, but apparently her part of Wyoming has had a major water contamination catastrophe. I hope we can go up sometime soon.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

An exhausting week.

My first day as Kat's pre-school teacher was Monday. What an exhausting week. Kat and her classmates are incredibly energetic. I ended up losing another 2lbs. It was a lot of fun though. I have determined life will be a lot easier if I have the week's lessons all planned out.

School is going okay. My music class is a bit overwhelming, but it's over next Thursday. Right now I'm trying to upload a video of a final teaching assignment. It's proving to be problematic. I'm reading a book called The Snow Leopard for Humanities, it's interesting. It's all Zennish and stuff. Math is easy, as usual and my child development and physics classes are so far, so good. I can't wait for music to be over. This should have been a fun class, but the teacher has overloaded us so far that we can all barely breathe.

Julia had her birthday last week. There were a bunch of pre-teen girls sleeping over. ACK! They were good kids though.

Oh... and as of 5/23 I'm down 44.4 lbs. GO ME!!!

Well, I'm off to do more homework and will update again soon.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Final Grades

Surprisingly enough, I pulled an A in Anthropology. How the heck did that happen? I did end up with an A- in English, but that was probably more than I deserved. I got an A in everything else, Geology, Algebra, and Art. My overall GPA is now 3.97. Not bad, not bad at all.

Today, my elementary school music class begins. I'm looking forward to it. The rest of the classes start next week. Then my schedule gets really crazy!

I just realized I haven't updated my New Years Resolutions yet. As of today, I am down to 246.6lbs. I am so excited. Before Christmas, I was over 285. That's 39lbs! I just take it 1 day at a time. I still do bite my nails though.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Where'd April go?

Seems I missed a whole month... I guess finals do that to you. This semester was crazy. Summer will be just as bad. So much has happened, I'll do my best to keep the recap short...

Thanks Dad!

I graduated with my Associates of Science (really, it's not til the end of summer, but I got to don my cap and gown early). It was a great day! I just wish my dad had been here to see it.

My husband and children bought me the most beautiful mother's ring for my graduation gift.

So for Valentines day, my dearest husband found another creative way to surprise me. When I booted up my laptop in the morning, my typical wallpaper had been changed and there was a seating chart for the Peppermill Concert Hall in Wendover, NV. I was a bit confused, but a note at the top of my screen said, "Look under your laptop". As I tilted it back, I found a picture of Trace Adkins (my most favorite singer) and the date May 2nd, 2008... Well, I about freaked out. I love his concerts. Better yet, the concert was going to be on my 5th wedding anniversary. WOW! I joined the fan club and applied for a meet and greet pass. I was totally surprised when I got one! I got to meet someone I highly respect and look up to. He signed his book and my ticket and I went and enjoyed an awesome concert. After the concert, Chad and I celebrated our anniversary. It was quite a night.

On 5/1 Chad and I took the kids to California. We were supposed to fly into Long Beach, but it was too busy, so instead we flew into Burbank. We got there at 900am and our return flight was scheduled for 220pm. We really tried to make that flight, but unfortunately, we missed it. OPPS!! We ended up flying out of Long Beach at 7:25pm. Enterprise was great at letting us switch airports. We went to the Aquarium of the pacific, it was so much fun! After that, we headed down to Venice Beach. The kids played in the ocean before we headed back home. Everyone seemed to have a great time. I can't wait to get the chance to go back. I love the ocean!!

Tuesday starts another semester. Summer is packed with 16 credit hours. Math 1050, FCHD (family/child development), Elementary Music, Physics, and Humanities. I'm getting my first B and I'm okay with that. My GPA at the end of this sememster should be 3.9, not too bad for a working full time mom of 4 going back to school. I'm pretty dang proud of myself.

If you got through this blog, you rock! It's a long one.