Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Finals are over!

Aren't I supposed to go to some big party after finals? Instead, I came home and made spaghetti. That's life when you're a mom of four unique individuals while trying to manage a job and school. All in all it was an excellent Semester.

So, a bit of background, I started my freshman year at Utah State University at the tender age of 35. My first semester in college was great! I took 9 credit hours total: English 1010, Family/child development, and an Art/Humanities class. At the end of the semester, I was sitting at 4.0.

Fast forward to Fall. In Fall I took Nutrition, US Institutions, and Intro to Elementary Education. Those classes were so fun! Finals were stressful, and I had started a new job at JetBlue, so things were a bit chaotic. I was worried about my grades a bit, but was pleasantly suprised with 3 more A's. YES! I'm still sitting at a 4.0!! So, planning Spring 2008, I enrolled in English 2010, Math 1010, Elementary Art, Anthropology 1010 and Geology 1010. This will be a busy semester for sure. Way to start my Sophmore year! I did cut my hours back at work, so that will help, and the kids promise to be supportive and help around the house. Wish me luck!!!

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