Friday, June 8, 2012

Take a blogging break and the world falls apart. I just finished my first year teaching. It was truly amazing. I'm blessed to have had the greatest group of 4th graders the world has ever seen. They are going to do great things with their lives, mark my words.
 My classroom the first day of school looking towards the front of our class. (August 2011)
 Kat snapped this picture when I wasn't looking. I believe this is after day 1. I'm finishing our birthday chart.
 My end of year gift. My first class. It's been 2 weeks and I miss them terribly :)
Only the COOLEST diorama ever created. The 3rd term assignment was to create a puppet or diorama based on a novel. Ashleigh O. made her Willy Wonka diorama completely out of candy.

So much has happened this year. I'm going to take some time to recap it all...