Sunday, January 4, 2009

Resolutions, revisited...

So, last January, I jotted down a few resolutions. It's now time to revisit and revamp...

Here's my post:

So, here are my resolutions:

1. Lose weight (I lost 52 lbs, not too bad!)
2. Complete my A.S. and apply to the teaching program (I earned my associates and will be applying for the teaching program 7/1/09. I didn't have the prereqs filled to apply last July).
3. Stop stressing the small things. (This one is tough!!)
4. Stop biting my nails. (As if... )

Well, that was them... So, resolutions for 2009:

1. Lose even more weight (and get active)
2. Apply to the teaching program.
3. De-clutter the house and work on remodeling.
4. Stop stressing the small stuff!!