Monday, September 7, 2009

She works hard for her money!

It's been a while... school, kids, work, football... it's a busy life. It was that time again, Ft. Bridger Mountain Man Rendezvous held every Labor Day weekend in Fort Bridger Wyoming. Here's the story of the year this year.

Kat Works Hard For Her Money!

On our first day in Fort Bridger, we were listening to a harpist play. It was beautiful. Kat took a dollar and put it in his hat.

Fast forward to day two. As we were parked by the guardhouse resting, she decided to "make some dollars". Kat got out her harmonica box, opened it up and started playing for the crowd. Mommy paid her a dollar for her great musician skills, so for the rest of the day, she walked around with her harmonica in her mouth and her box in her hand.

She's gonna make us a fortune someday!

Friday, June 5, 2009

We are the Champions my friends...

Way to go 49ers. We started our game out strong. By half time it was 44-18 with us in the lead then a storm came through to end all storms. With 8 minutes left we had to evacuate the field for lightening strikes. The Cowboy coach didn't want to concede victory to us, so we met on Wednesday to finalize our victory. On their first play they got all excited by scoring a touchdown. My QB slowed it down some to run out the clock and got us one right back. At that point there was nothing left to do but wait. The 8 minutes passed and we won 54-26. After that, we ate ice cream sandwiches. YUM!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Go 49ers!

So, we beat the Raiders 55-30. It was a great game, my team executed very well. We're on to the Championship game on 5/30 against the Cowboys. We will be victorious! (to be continued...)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Awesome Season...

The 49ers have entered the semi-finals winning 7 and losing only 2. They get to play my husband's team, the Raiders, in the semi-finals. The Raiders have won 3 and lost 5. It should be an awesome game as we all practice together. I'm pretty excited. The winner of this game is in the championship!!!

Here are my football stars! (click the picture to see them in full view)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Is it September yet??

Kat is so ready for school to start. We were smart this year and started school shopping early. With 4 kids, it gets expensive. Here's Kat in her school uniforms.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Are you ready for some (flag) football?

So, I'm coaching Julia's flag football team this season. It's gonna rock!! I can't wait to get on the field and kick Chad's teams butts!! Not really, I'm just hoping to have a ton of fun. Thomas is going to help coach. We should be a force to be reconned with!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Finally... level 70

So, as most of you know, I'm a casual gamer. So, after 1444 days of playing Everquest II (and no, I don't play every day), I finally reached level 70!! It's awesome. Only 10 more levels to go and I'll be capped (unless of course the cap is bumped up again). It's a great escape. I love my Swashbuckler Buffytha Bixieslayer. She's awesome!!

Here's Buffy with her newly acquired deity pet, Motleymoo

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Resolutions, revisited...

So, last January, I jotted down a few resolutions. It's now time to revisit and revamp...

Here's my post:

So, here are my resolutions:

1. Lose weight (I lost 52 lbs, not too bad!)
2. Complete my A.S. and apply to the teaching program (I earned my associates and will be applying for the teaching program 7/1/09. I didn't have the prereqs filled to apply last July).
3. Stop stressing the small things. (This one is tough!!)
4. Stop biting my nails. (As if... )

Well, that was them... So, resolutions for 2009:

1. Lose even more weight (and get active)
2. Apply to the teaching program.
3. De-clutter the house and work on remodeling.
4. Stop stressing the small stuff!!