Monday, October 27, 2008

Are you ready for some (flag) football?

What an awesome season. We ended 6-2! We lost our first one and our last one, so we didn't win the championship. The game was awesome though. On our opening drive, we scored a touchdown! Then, they scored one. Our defense had a case of the nerves or something. The game came down to the last seconds. We had a hurry up offense, the score 30-35 (them). Brandon passes into the inzone and NO SCORE! It was a real nail biter. After the game, we had a pot luck and handed out certificates. Our final act as coaches was the parent/child football game. The parents whooped the children hardcore. Height does have it's advantages.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Where did October go?

It's almost Halloween? Where did October go? Tons of stuff to update for the month, but I'm supposed to be doing homework, so I'll have to do it between studying. My kids are adorable. I got back their school pics this month. I have to scan in Kat's, but here are my other kids.



To be added later

School is still really busy. I can't wait for this semester to end. I'm still working full time, but my hours have changed. I now work 6-3, ugh. I am not a morning person, but it's nice to be off early. More update to come...