Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Finals week... Egads has this semester been killer.

ELED Music - A (this one is set in stone!)
Pre-calculus - A (considering she's dropping my lowest test score of 97%) Final is tonight!
Parenting - (most likely) A ... My final is today!
Humanities - A (This class rocked!! Read the Glass Castle)
Physics - (most likely) A .. my rocket soared!!! I have the final on Saturday.

I haven't had a lot of spare time. Next weekend C and I are going on a road trip to Southern Utah. Me, him, the harley and three days in the canyons. We really need the time away.

The kids had antique pictures taken. I can't wait to post pictures. They are so cute! I'll get the CD next week.

I hope everyone stays well...