Thursday, June 5, 2008


I hate feeling helpless.

Nothing matters more to me than my children. Julia had her tonsils out this morning and it's not going very good. She can't keep down anything. Not water, not Popsicles, not even her pain meds. We're trying to get her some anti-nausea meds to see if that will help. She's in so much pain. It's breaks my heart. I just wanna take all her pain away.

On a better note, we did get our trees planted. They look great. Now for the bushes and to get grass growing.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Yard work stinks...

I have 2 mosquito bites. I hate yard work. We've got the holes dug and I'm almost done taking out the old bush. I'm going to try to transplant it. Wish me luck. I can't wait for my yard to be done, then I'll be able to sit outside and relax.

I'm supposed to be doing homework, but instead, I'm playing EQ2 with my hubby. I'm such an addict. It's so much fun!

There was so much I was going to post earlier, but I've forgotten what it was. oh well. I'll remember tomorrow. G'night!