Saturday, March 15, 2008

March, already?

This year is going so fast! I'm down 24 lbs, I'm pretty excited about that. In addition, I feel healthier. School is crazy. I really need to buckle down and finish this semester strong. I'd like to keep my 4.0 but it's not looking good. I may get a B or two. Really, I'm okay with that.

I got a new camera. I can't wait to start taking pictures with it. I've been using my camera phone and they kinda suck.

Chad and I took Kat to see Horton Hears a Who today. It was a lot of fun. She's still a bit too young for a theatre. She doesn't always sit still. Luckily, there were a lot of other restless kids there.

My mom is down from Wyoming. She's having a "catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation," so she'll be with us for a weekish. It will be nice having her here. Please send PP&Ts for her. It's supposed to be "routine."
