Friday, June 8, 2012

Take a blogging break and the world falls apart. I just finished my first year teaching. It was truly amazing. I'm blessed to have had the greatest group of 4th graders the world has ever seen. They are going to do great things with their lives, mark my words.
 My classroom the first day of school looking towards the front of our class. (August 2011)
 Kat snapped this picture when I wasn't looking. I believe this is after day 1. I'm finishing our birthday chart.
 My end of year gift. My first class. It's been 2 weeks and I miss them terribly :)
Only the COOLEST diorama ever created. The 3rd term assignment was to create a puppet or diorama based on a novel. Ashleigh O. made her Willy Wonka diorama completely out of candy.

So much has happened this year. I'm going to take some time to recap it all...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

So... did the holidays sneak up on you too?

Crazy! Where did this year go? I know... it was stuck in student teaching land. But I am done! Yes... I officially graduate from Utah State University with my Bachelors in Elementary Education. I can't believe it's finally over. I can't wait to take my Calculus final and have time again. Be prepared for a HUGE post soon...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Wow, it has been a long time

I really need to update this more. Maybe once I graduate. Speaking of graduation... April 22, 2010 I will unofficially graduate. Technically I graduate in December, but we only do the cap/gown thing once a year in the spring. So it's now or never.

School is going well. I'm exhausted. Level III is kicking my butt. I'm lost, dazed and confused as to what's due when. I start practicum next week and hope to get everything caught up soon. Alot is due tomorrow through Wednesday.

Thomas is having a great freshman year. He was on the sophomore football team and Jr. Varsity Wrestling team. He took 8th in regions and DNP in divisionals. He's been working hard to make Varsity next year. He also earned a Wrestling Letter. This last week he got braces, and he has a girlfriend. She's adorable!

Julia is doing great at Excelsior, the charter school. She is getting As (mostly) and learning a lot. She has a great debate teacher and is excelling at playing the clarinet. She's first chair and earned second chair at the Salt Lake Charter School Honor Band.

Byron is also working hard at Excelsior. He is playing the trombone and is 4th chair in the Honor Band. He has found a new love, the Rubik's Cube. He's pretty awesome at it.

Kat is giving her kindergarten teacher a run for his money. She's stubborn, that child. We love her. She has a great sense of humor and is always keeping us on our toes.

Football season is starting again, this time we are running the league. I am coaching Kat, Julia, and Thomas (in addition to my school work). Is it too much? Probably, but what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger, right?

I'll be sure to attach pictures soon... (I hope)

Monday, September 7, 2009

She works hard for her money!

It's been a while... school, kids, work, football... it's a busy life. It was that time again, Ft. Bridger Mountain Man Rendezvous held every Labor Day weekend in Fort Bridger Wyoming. Here's the story of the year this year.

Kat Works Hard For Her Money!

On our first day in Fort Bridger, we were listening to a harpist play. It was beautiful. Kat took a dollar and put it in his hat.

Fast forward to day two. As we were parked by the guardhouse resting, she decided to "make some dollars". Kat got out her harmonica box, opened it up and started playing for the crowd. Mommy paid her a dollar for her great musician skills, so for the rest of the day, she walked around with her harmonica in her mouth and her box in her hand.

She's gonna make us a fortune someday!

Friday, June 5, 2009

We are the Champions my friends...

Way to go 49ers. We started our game out strong. By half time it was 44-18 with us in the lead then a storm came through to end all storms. With 8 minutes left we had to evacuate the field for lightening strikes. The Cowboy coach didn't want to concede victory to us, so we met on Wednesday to finalize our victory. On their first play they got all excited by scoring a touchdown. My QB slowed it down some to run out the clock and got us one right back. At that point there was nothing left to do but wait. The 8 minutes passed and we won 54-26. After that, we ate ice cream sandwiches. YUM!